Thursday, October 3, 2013

Have you ever heard of Mesopotamia? Have you ever wondered what the Middle East used to be? The Middle East is what used to be called Mesopotamia. One country in Mesopotamia was called Sumeria. Sumeria existed where Iraq exists today. In this essay, we will be comparing the difference between King Shulgi of Sumeria and President Saddam Hussein of Iraq.
            Although these two kings ruled in the same part of the world, they were very different. Shulgi was a loving, caring king. He wanted to make life better for his people. He cared about the people and not the power or personal gain. He built beautiful roads in Sumeria. Along those roads he built rest homes where people could stop and rest along their journeys. He also had an extensive revision of the Scribal Schools. Many people believe he might have also been the first builder of inns. He interacted with his people and wanted the best for them. He was called “The Shepard”. Shepard’s care about their flocks and help them along. They don’t leave any behind. He must have been very caring about his people to be compared to a Shepard. On the other hand, Saddam Hussein was not very caring about his people. He used fear and terror to stay in power. He would do anything to gain more power. He was cruel to his people and would get rid of anyone who stood in his way. He pretended to care about his people to stay in power. He wanted more land and more power. He used chemical weapons against the Kurds to gain more land. He killed 5,000 people when he did that. The United States attacked Iraq in defense of the Kuwaits. They invaded Iraq and Saddam went into hiding. Saddam was discovered, went through trials, and was hanged as a result of his actions.
            In conclusion, King Shulgi and President Saddam Hussein had many differences.  King Shulgi thought of what was best for his people. Saddam did anything he could to gain more power. Shulgi improved life for his people. Saddam worried about his life and didn’t care about his people’s lives. Shulgi cared about his people. This is an example of how leaders can be very different. We hope to always have a leader who cares about his people.